We had a spectacular first book club meeting discussing Sophia by Anita Anand. Now back by popular demand, we have another meeting lined up!
Chris Bryant’s The Glamour Boys tells the story of a group of young, queer British MPs who, after a series of trips to Berlin in the early 1930s, warned Britain about Hitler and the atrocities of his regime.
They were continually rebuked by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin who branded the men ‘the glamour boys’. However, without their courageous contribution, Britain would never have faced down the Nazis.
This book continues our goal to REDRESS THE BALANCE. Certain voices have dominated the political conversation for too long and we want to change that. All of our books this year depict hidden voices from UK political history; people who changed the trajectory of politics and need far more recognition.
So join us on May 20th as Chris Bryant joins our book club to discuss his fantastic book. Register here for the zoom link and click here to purchase the book.