Young Fabians Constitution
Please find below the Young Fabians Constitution that has been approved by the Young Fabian and Fabian Society Executives, and Young Fabian members at the 2021 AGM:
1. Foundations
1.1 Name
The name of the organisation shall be the Young Fabians (henceforth referred to as ‘the organisation’). The Young Fabians are a member-led, left-orientated youth organisation and shall be an integral part of the Fabian Society.
1.2 Political Position
The organisation shall have no other collective policy beyond that contained in Rule 2 of the Fabian Society. No resolution of a political character expressing an opinion or calling for action shall be put forward in the name of the organisation. The organisation shall remain a broad church and shall not prioritise nor discriminate against any person or strand of thought within the Labour movement.
1.3 Activities
The Young Fabians are a member-led organisation. The activities of the organisation are conducted by its members.
The activities of the organisation shall include the publication of pamphlets and magazines, the holding of conferences and meetings, the promotion of research and other activities consistent with Rule 2 of the Fabian Society.
The organisation may enlist the support of members for activities of other organisations within the labour movement, including the Fabian Society, consistent with Rule 2 of the Fabian Society.
No book, pamphlet or tract submitted to the organisation shall be published unless approved as of suitable standard and subject matter according to the rules made by the Executive Committee of the Fabian Society. All publications sponsored by the Young Fabians shall bear a clear indication that they do not represent the views of the organisation, but only those responsible for preparing them.
2. Membership
Full membership of the Young Fabians consists of full members of the Fabian Society who have not reached their 31st birthday.
Associate members of the Fabian Society who have not reached their 31st birthday are Associate members of the Young Fabians, but may not vote in the election of the Executive Committee, and may not serve on the Executive Committee or vote on any resolution put to the membership.
3. Executive Committee
3.1 Elected Members
Before the Annual General Meeting the organisation shall elect an Executive Committee of twelve (12) members to hold office for one year. All full members of the Young Fabians, who have nominated themselves or have been nominated, with their consent, by full members of the organisation, are eligible to stand for election to the Executive Committee.
Election shall be by ballot of full members. Elections may be held using secure paper or electronic methods. All votes must be cast within a period to be determined by the Executive Committee of the Fabian Society, which shall be not less than 14 days and not more than 28 days after the day the ballot opens. Scrutineers shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Fabian Society, whose duty it shall be to oversee the accuracy of the vote, and to certify to the General Secretary of the Fabian Society the results
The election shall be held under a First Past the Post system, whereby the twelve (12) candidates who receive the most votes shall be elected to the Executive Committee, subject to the rules on gender parity in clause 3.2. From the 2022 election onwards, any ties for 12th place shall be broken by taking lots, with the winner joining the Executive Committee as a full member, and the other tied candidate/s joining the Executive Committee as co-opted observer member/s. The newly elected Executive Committee shall take office immediately subsequent to ratification at the Annual General Meeting.
The Quota to be elected to the Executive Committee shall be calculated by dividing the total valid vote by one more than the number of places to be elected. Take the division to two decimal places. If the result is exact, that is the quota. Otherwise, ignore the remainder, and add 0.01.
Elected members may only be removed: (1) if they are no longer members of the Fabian Society; (2) if they are deemed to have resigned under clause 3.8; or (3) by consent of an Extraordinary General Meeting, called in accordance with clause 4.3 of this constitution.
The Executive Committee shall make such other rules for the conduct of elections of the Executive Committee as are compatible with the provisions of the Constitution.
3.2 Gender Parity in the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Young Fabians shall consist of twelve (12) members, at least six (6) of which self-define as women or do not identify as cisgender men. The procedure for electing members shall be as follows:
If at any point candidates who identify as cisgender men have won 6 places, then all remaining candidates who identify as cisgender men should be eliminated, then proceed with the count as normal.
No ballots shall go out to the membership until a minimum of six (6) candidates of each gender have been nominated.
Should a member of the Executive Committee resign or be removed by the membership they shall be replaced by the candidate with the highest number of votes in the Executive Committee elections who was unsuccessful in obtaining a place on the Committee, regardless of that individual’s gender identity, provided there are never fewer than at least six women or elected members who do not define as cisgender men. If the results would be that there were fewer than six women or non-cisgender men in that category, they will be replaced by the woman or non-cisgender man with the highest number of votes. This clause is to ensure gender balance.
The Executive Committee must also ensure members who self-define as women or do not identify as cisgender men fill at least four (4) amongst the eight (8) constitutional roles on the Committee: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Anticipations Editor, National Coordinator, Networks Coordinator, Women’s Officer. The Women’s Officer must self-define as a woman. If a cisgender man is Chair, then the Vice Chair position must not be held by a cisgender man.
3.3 Co-opted members of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall have the right to co-opt up to seven additional non-voting members, of whom at least half must be women or non-cisgender men. The Executive Committee may allocate defined roles to co-opted non-voting members.
The only roles which may not be filled by co-opted non-voting members of the Executive Committee are Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer: these must be filled by elected members of the Executive Committee. The roles of Anticipations Editor, National Coordinator, Networks Coordinator and Women’s Officer may therefore be filled by non-voting co-opted members if no elected member of the Executive Committee wishes to fill them: in this case, co-option must take place as soon as possible after the Young Fabians AGM.
3.4 Ex-Officio Members
A nominee of the Executive of the Fabian Society may serve on the Executive Committee of the Young Fabian Group. The General Secretary of the Fabian Society, or his or her nominee, shall be free to attend meetings of the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity.
3.5 Committee Officers
The Executive Committee shall elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Anticipations Editor, National Coordinator, Networks Coordinator and Women’s Officer. No person shall be eligible for election as Chair twice.
Before the Annual General Meeting, the incoming Executive Committee shall elect committee officers. A motion proposing the officers as a group shall be put to the Annual General Meeting and the officers shall take up their appointments when this has passed.
Officers may only be removed by consent of an Extraordinary General Meeting called in accordance with clause 4.3 of this constitution; or by the General Secretary of the Fabian Society, in response to a valid complaint. Officers may resign in ways outlined below.
3.6 Duties
The Executive Committee shall be the Young Fabians secretariat and leaders who facilitate and oversee the activities of the membership and run day-to-day operations of the Group between General Meetings subject to the Constitution and General Meeting resolutions. The Executive Committee shall be required to encourage and support member activity and not privilege activities led by themselves over that of the members.
The Executive Committee are required to sanction and oversee all the organisation’s activities, including communications; appoint sub-committees; and devolved groups (defined as networks, advocacy groups, national and regional groups, and university and college groups); publications, meetings, conferences, and research, speaking and media engagements and fundraising.
The Executive Committee shall produce a financial plan following the AGM, which shall include a provisional annual budget, a fundraising target and guidance to Executive Committee members on how expenditure should be requested and agreed.
The Executive Committee shall preserve the integrity and promote the history of the organisation and all its publications.
The Executive Committee shall protect the personal data of members and non-members. The Fabian Society is the data controller for all personal data processed by the Young Fabians. In processing personal data officers and members of the Young Fabians will abide by data protection law, the Fabian Society’s privacy policy and directions and training provided by the society.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing an annual budget, managing the Young Fabians financial resources and accounts, putting in place arrangements for authorising expenditure, preparing accounts and presenting them for audit, and presenting a Treasurer’s report to the Annual General Meeting.
Six (6) voting members shall be a quorum of the Executive Committee. Decisions of the Executive Committee are made by a simple majority vote of elected members unless otherwise required by the Constitution. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have a casting vote.
3.7 Meetings
All meetings of the Executive Committee, and of its subcommittees, shall be open to all devolved group officers. The time and location for all such meetings shall be published to the network and group officers with reasonable time, defined as a minimum of fourteen (14) days, before it is held.
Minutes and attendance of meetings of the Executive Committee shall be available to the membership no later than six (6) weeks after said meeting has been held.
3.8 Resignations
If a member of the Executive Committee does not attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, and does not present prior apologies that are voted as acceptable by the committee, they shall be deemed to have resigned. If a member does not attend for four consecutive meetings (even with apologies having been accepted) they will be deemed to have resigned, unless the committee agrees there are exceptional circumstances such as very severe illness. If a member does not undertake the basic responsibilities of their role for three months consecutively, as agreed by a two thirds (8) majority of the committee, they will be asked to resign, unless the committee agrees that there are exceptional circumstances. If they do not respond to the request to resign within one month, they are deemed to have resigned.
An elected member of the Executive committee may also resign voluntarily by giving formal notice to the Chair and Secretary in writing. Should either the Chair or Secretary wish to resign, the Vice Chair must be notified. The Chair and Secretary shall then inform the Executive Committee and wider group membership.
Should a member of the Executive Committee resign or be removed by the membership they shall be replaced by the candidate with the highest number of votes in the Executive Committee elections who was unsuccessful in obtaining a full place on the Committee, regardless of that individual’s gender identity, provided there are never fewer than at least six women or elected members who do not define as cisgender men. If the results would be that there were fewer than six women or non-cisgender men in that category, they will be replaced by the woman or non-cisgender man with the highest number of votes. This clause is to ensure gender balance. The new officer group must be ratified by the next General Meeting.
Should a standing officer resign, they shall be replaced as an Executive Committee member by the next eligible runner up as above. The Executive Committee shall then vote to fill the position.
Should a standing officer wish to resign from their position but not the Executive Committee they shall be replaced by another member of the Executive Committee via an internal vote of the Executive Committee.
3.9 Standing Orders and Procedures
The Executive Committee may set Standing Orders, Procedures and Policies for the organisation that are compatible with the Constitution. All members, including the Executive Committee shall be bound by the standing orders. A document with the latest standing order shall be published by the Executive Committee. The Chair shall be responsible for the implementation of Standing Orders, Procedures and Policies with support from the Secretary. Changes to Standing Orders or Policies require the consent of three-quarters of the elected Executive Committee (i.e. eight or more elected Executive Committee officers), or simple majority through a General Meeting.
No member of the society shall engage in conduct which in the opinion of the Executive Committee is harmful or grossly detrimental to the society. The Executive Committee shall make Standing Orders, Procedures and Policies to give effect to this rule.
3.10 Ex-officio Representation
The Chair of the Executive Committee shall represent the Group on the Fabian Society Executive Committee and Young Labour National Committee. The Chair may delegate the roles to nominees of the Executive Committee.
The Women’s Officer of the Executive Committee shall represent the Group on the Fabian Women’s Network Executive Committee. The Women’s Officer may delegate the role to another member of the Executive Committee if they cannot attend a given meeting.
The Executive Committee shall have the right to nominate a member of each of the main committees of the Fabian Society.
4. General Meetings
4.1 Definition
The General Meetings are an all-member meeting that may make decisions for the organisations. The General Meeting shall have the power to pass resolutions, remove members of the Executive Committee and amend the Constitution.
4.2 Chair
The Chair of the Executive Committee shall chair General Meetings of the organisation. Should they be unable to do so the duty shall fall to the Vice-Chair.
4.3 Annual General Meeting
At least one general meeting shall be held each year and shall be known as the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM of the Young Fabians shall be held within eight (8) days of the Annual General Meeting of the Fabian Society. The venue and time of the AGM shall be announced by the Executive Committee a minimum of one month in advance. The agenda shall include a Chair’s Report and a Treasurer’s Report and presentation of audited accounts.
4.4 Extraordinary General Meeting
Other General Meetings are Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM). Eight (8) members of the Executive Committee or three per cent (3%) of the full members of the Young Fabians shall have the power to call an EGM of the organisation provided at least four weeks’ notice is given to the membership. This shall be done by submission of a formal request to the Chair and Secretary of the Executive Committee in writing with the appropriate signatures attached. The Chair and Secretary must make the announcement of the calling of an EGM within one week of receiving a valid submission.
4.5 Motions and Resolutions
Full members may submit motions to a General Meeting including proposals for changes to this constitution. These motions shall be properly proposed and must be seconded by a full member and submitted to the executive committee no less than three weeks in advance of the meeting date. The Executive Committee shall give notice to the membership of these motions at least two weeks in advance.
Motions and amendments shall be resolved by a simple majority of those present and voting, subject only to the agreement of the Executive Committee of the Fabian Society.
At the Annual General Meeting, the incoming Executive Committee shall agree the roles and responsibilities of its elected members (including basic responsibilities and additional responsibilities). Following presentation to the Annual General Meeting of a document detailing these roles, this document shall be considered part of this constitution until the following Annual General Meeting.
5. Networks
5.1 Definition
Networks are sub-sections of the Group devoted to and responsible for a specified policy area. The creation of or continuation of a network must be proposed to the Annual General Meeting which shall then vote on the matter.
5.2 Membership
Networks shall be open to any full member of the Young Fabians with an interest in the relevant policy area.
Additionally the Networks shall have discretion to recruit members aged under 31 from outside the Young Fabians who have experience of or a professional or personal interest in the area the network is devoted to, subject to Rule 2 of the Fabian Society.
Only full members of the Young Fabians may sit on or vote for the members of the network's Steering Committee, or vote on changes to the network’s name and/or policy remit.
5.3 Steering Committee
Any full member of the Young Fabians may sit on the network's Steering Committee. Each network must hold an AGM within fifteen weeks of the Young Fabian AGM at which they will elect a Chair, Secretary and at least one other officer to form the network Steering Committee. The committee may decide to open other roles for election as it deems appropriate, either at the network’s AGM or at another Steering Committee meeting which has been publicised to Young Fabian members via the Young Fabians communication channels, and/or the network’s communication channels, at least 7 days in advance of the Steering Committee meeting.
An officer of the Young Fabians Executive Committee must attend the AGM to administer the election. The Networks Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that an officer attends to do this – whether this be the Networks Coordinator or another officer.
In the case of an uncontested election for an officer role, by default a vote will be taken by a show of hands on whether to elect the sole candidate or whether to re-open nominations – unless a majority of Young Fabian members in attendance vote to conduct this by a secret ballot. In the case of a contested election for an officer role, a vote must take place by a secret ballot. Where more than two candidates put themselves forward, the vote will be conducted using an eliminating ballot or single transferable vote system (whichever is more practical for the given meeting).
Where a cisgender man is elected to the role of network chair, only women or non-cisgender men candidates will be eligible to be elected to the role of secretary: unless no women or non-cisgender men chooses to self-nominate for the role of secretary, in which case a cisgender man may be elected to the role of secretary. Should the Chair and Secretary both be cisgender men, then there must be a concerted effort, with the Executive Committee’s support, to ensure better women or non-cisgender men representation on the Steering Committee ahead of their next steering meeting.
During the year, the Steering Committee may appoint additional network officers to non-Constitutional roles by consensus.
Any changes to a network’s name and policy remit must be proposed at the network’s AGM and passed by a majority vote of Young Fabian members in attendance.
Any Steering Committee officer seeking re-election must do so at the network’s AGM. As of 1st January 2020 onwards, no one may serve three consecutive terms (I.e. three years) as Chair or Secretary of any given Group’s steering committee, instead after immediately completing two consecutive terms as Chair or Secretary, an incumbent will be ineligible for the same office for the period of one year after. Thereafter the individual will be eligible again for another two consecutive terms in the same office. No Young Fabian member may serve on the steering committee for more than two Young Fabian devolved groups. No Young Fabian Executive Committee member is eligible to hold a constitutional position (i.e. Chair/Secretary) in a Young Fabian devolved group.
The Steering Committee must meet a minimum of once every four months and meetings shall be open to all Young Fabians and members of the network.
The time and place of all AGMs or Steering Committee meetings must be advertised a minimum of seven (7) days before the meeting is held.
5.4 Responsibilities
Networks shall be responsible for the running of events, publications, discussions, delegations and other member-led activities within the policy area to which they are devoted.
Networks will be empowered to run social media accounts carrying the Young Fabian brand, subject to responsible use. The Steering Committee officers will have access to these, along with at least one officer on the Young Fabians Executive Committee.
6. Notice
6.1 Serving notice
Notice under this constitution shall be valid if it is placed on the Young Fabian website and is emailed or posted in writing to members using the most up to date members’ contact list.
7. Interpretation
7.1 Interpretation of this constitution.
Any questions as to the interpretation of this Constitution shall be settled by the Executive Committee with oversight from the General Secretary of the Fabian Society.
8. Honorary Positions
The organisation may choose to appoint an Honorary President and Honorary Vice Presidents.
8.1 Election of Honorary Positions
The Honorary President and Honorary Vice Presidents, if any, may be appointed by the Executive Committee by a simple majority vote with oversight from the General Secretary of the Fabian Society.
The Honorary President and Honorary Vice Presidents will serve two-year terms from the date that they are elected. They may be re-appointed after this term has finished. They may also resign at any time by giving notice to the Executive Committee; or be removed by the Executive Committee at any time during their term.
8.2 Purpose of Honorary Positions
The Honorary President and Honorary Vice Presidents shall be appointed to help with fundraising, access to opportunities for members and build stronger ties with other organisations.
9. Advocacy Groups
9.1 Definition
Advocacy Groups are sub-sections of the group devoted to and responsible for advocating on behalf of members with specific protected characteristic(s) (as defined in the 2010 Equalities Act), both in terms of policy making and access to the organisation. The creation of or winding up of an Advocacy Group must be proposed to the Annual General Meeting. Members who self-identify as possessing the relevant protected characteristic(s) then vote on the matter. If no member possessing the relevant protected characteristic(s), other than the proposer and seconder, are present the Executive Committee may accept a petition signed by 10 current members possessing the relevant protected characteristic(s) after the AGM.
The proposal must include evidence that individuals with a particular protected characteristic are underrepresented or disadvantaged within the Fabian Society and set out how the formation of the Advocacy Group will attempt to tackle these issues.
9.2 Membership
Membership of Advocacy Groups shall be open to any full member of the Young Fabians who: possesses the relevant protected characteristic(s).
Additionally, the Advocacy Group shall have discretion to recruit members from outside the Young Fabians who are aged under 31 and have experience of or a professional or personal interest in the area the Advocacy Group is devoted to, subject to Rule 2 of the Fabian Society.
Only full members of the Young Fabians possessing the relevant protected characteristic(s) may sit on or vote for the members of the Advocacy Group's steering committee.
9.3 Steering Committee
Any member of an Advocacy Group who is also a full member of the Young Fabians may sit on the Group's Steering Committee. Each Advocacy Group must hold an AGM within fifteen weeks of the Young Fabian's AGM at which they will elect a Chair, Secretary and at least one other to form the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee may decide other roles as it deems appropriate.
Any Steering Committee officer seeking re-election must do so at the network’s AGM. As of 1st January 2020 onwards, no one may serve three consecutive terms (I.e. three years) as Chair or Secretary of any given Group’s steering committee, instead after immediately completing two consecutive terms as Chair or Secretary, an incumbent will be ineligible for the same office for the period of one year after. Thereafter the individual will be eligible again for another two consecutive terms in the same office. No Young Fabian member may serve on the steering committee for more than two Young Fabian groups (including networks, Advocacy Groups and national or regional groups). No Young Fabian Executive Committee member is eligible to hold a constitutional position (i.e. Chair or Secretary) in a Young Fabian devolved group.
During the year, the Steering Committee may appoint additional network officers to non-Constitutional roles by consensus, either at the network’s AGM or at another Steering Committee meeting which has been publicised to Young Fabian members via the Young Fabians communication channels, and/or the group’s communication channels, at least 7 days in advance of the Steering Committee meeting.
An officer of the Young Fabians Executive Committee must attend the AGM to administer the election. The Networks Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that an officer attends to do this, unless another member of the Executive has agreed to take on this responsibility.
In the case of an uncontested election for an officer role, by default a vote will be taken by a show of hands on whether to elect the sole candidate or whether to re-open nominations – unless a majority of Young Fabian members in attendance vote to conduct this by a secret ballot. In the case of a contested election for an officer role, a vote must take place by a secret ballot. Where more than two candidates put themselves forward, the vote will be conducted using an eliminating ballot or single transferable vote system (whichever is more practical for the given meeting).
The Steering Committee must meet a minimum of once every four months and meetings shall be open to all members of the Advocacy Group.
The time and place of all meetings must be advertised a minimum of seven (7) days before the meeting is held.
9.4 Responsibilities
Advocacy Groups shall be responsible for the running of events, publications, discussions, delegations and other member-led activities within policy areas affecting the protected characteristic(s) to which they are devoted.
Advocacy Groups should also take an active role in promoting inclusion and accessibility for members possessing the relevant protected characteristic(s) to which they are devoted.
Advocacy Groups will be empowered to run social media accounts carrying the Young Fabian brand, subject to responsible use. The Steering Committee officers will have access to these, along with at least one officer on the Young Fabians Executive Committee.
During the course of the year Young Fabians Executive Committee will be expected to seek guidance from the advocacy group regarding issues related to the group’s protected characteristics.
10. National and Regional Groups
10.1 Definition
National and regional groups are sub-sections of the Group devoted to and responsible for a specified geographic area within the UK. The specified geographic areas are Scotland; Wales; Northern Ireland; and each region of England.
The Executive Committee will maintain a record of currently active national and regional groups. An active group is one which has a valid Steering Committee of officers (see below), and which produces events and other output during the course of the year.
If a given nation or region of the UK does not have an active group, then Young Fabian members in that nation or region are entitled to submit a proposal for activation of a group to the Young Fabians Executive Committee, who are responsible for deciding to approve the proposal. Approval in principle is expected, although the Executive Committee may require amendments before full approval is granted via consensus or a simple majority vote.
10.2 Membership
The group’s official membership constitutes Young Fabian members who live at a permanent address in the relevant nation or region for at least part of any given year. Official members may run for election to the group Steering Committee, and vote on motions or elections at AGMs.
Young Fabian members with historic links to a particular nation or region, or a strong interest in a particular nation or region, may be considered to be associate members of the group. Associate members may not run for election to the group Steering Committee, or vote on motions or elections at group AGMs.
10.3 Steering Committee
Each network must hold an AGM within fifteen (15) weeks of the Young Fabian AGM at which they will elect a Chair, Secretary and at least one other officer to form the group Steering Committee. The committee may decide to open other roles for election as it deems appropriate, either at the network’s AGM or at another Steering Committee meeting which has been publicised to Young Fabian members via the Young Fabians communication channels, and/or the group’s communication channels, at least 14 days in advance of the Steering Committee meeting.
An officer of the Young Fabians Executive Committee must attend the AGM to administer the election. The National Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that an officer attends to do this – whether this be the National Coordinator or another officer.
In the case of an uncontested election for an officer role, by default a vote will be taken by a show of hands on whether to elect the sole candidate or whether to re-open nominations – unless a majority of Young Fabian members in attendance vote to conduct this by a secret ballot. In the case of a contested election for an officer role, a vote must take place by a secret ballot. Where more than two candidates put themselves forward, the vote will be conducted using an eliminating ballot or single transferable vote system (whichever is more practical for the given meeting).
Where a man is elected to the role of chair, only women candidates will be eligible to be elected to the role of secretary: unless no women chooses to self-nominate for the role of secretary, in which case a man may be elected to the role of secretary.
Any Steering Committee officer seeking re-election must do so at the network’s AGM. As of 1st January 2020 onwards, no one may serve three consecutive terms (I.e. three years) as Chair or Secretary of any given Group’s steering committee, instead after immediately completing two consecutive terms as Chair or Secretary, an incumbent will be ineligible for the same office for the period of one year after. Thereafter the individual will be eligible again for another two consecutive terms in the same office. No Young Fabian member may serve on the steering committee for more than two Young Fabian devolved group. No Young Fabian Executive Committee member is eligible to hold a constitutional position (i.e. Chair/Secretary) in a Young Fabian devolved group.
During the year, the Steering Committee may appoint additional network officers to non-Constitutional roles by consensus.
The Steering Committee must meet a minimum of once every four months and meetings shall be open and accessible to all members of the group, no matter where they are based within the given nation or region.
The time and place of all AGMs or Steering Committee meetings must be advertised a minimum of fourteen (14) days before the meeting is held.
10.4 Responsibilities
National and regional groups shall be responsible for the running of events, publications, discussions, delegations and other member-led activities within or regarding the geographic area to which they are devoted.
National and regional groups will be empowered to run social media accounts carrying the Young Fabian brand, subject to responsible use. The Steering Committee officers will have access to these, along with at least one officer on the Young Fabians Executive Committee.
10.5 University and College Groups
If Young Fabian member students at a university or college are interested in starting a Young Fabian group, they must submit a proposal to their relevant national or regional group steering committee, the Young Fabians National Coordinator and the Young Fabians Chair. If the steering committee, the Young Fabians Chair and Young Fabians National Coordinator approve the proposal, then the students may start the group.
The Young Fabians National Coordinator and the chair of the relevant national or regional group will then be responsible for ensuring oversight and support for the university or college group, including making sure officer elections are conducted fairly. If the national or regional group becomes inactive, then the Young Fabians National Coordinator will become temporarily responsible for overseeing and supporting any university or college groups in that nation/region until the national or regional group is reactivated.
Rule 2 of the Fabian Society:
The Fabian Society consists of socialists. It therefore aims for a classless society, where a just distribution of wealth and power assures true equality of opportunity. It holds that society, through its democratic institutions, should determine the overall direction and distribution of economic activity, and seeks to promote where appropriate the social and co-operative ownership of economic resources. It argues for strong and accountable public institutions reflecting the values of public service to meet need. It believes in an active democracy, characterised by liberty, tolerance and respect for diversity. It aims at the implementation of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and seeks the creation of effective international institutions to uphold and promote world peace and sustainable development. It seeks to secure these ends by the methods of political democracy.
The Society, believing in equal citizenship in the fullest sense, is open to persons, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or creed, who commit themselves to its aims and purposes and undertake to promote its work. Its activities shall be the furtherance of socialism and the education of the public on socialist lines by the holding of meetings, lectures, discussion groups and conferences, the promotion of research into political, economic and social problems, national and international, the publication of books, pamphlets and periodicals, and by any other appropriate methods. The Society shall be affiliated to the Labour Party.
Young Fabians
61 Petty France
London, SW1H 9EU 020 7227 4900