Join us at the Young Fabians fringe event at Labour Party conference at 9am on Tuesday 27th September, held in Room 1, Floor 4 of the Maritime Museum in Liverpool.

This will be a panel discussion, entitled ‘Is our school examination system fit for purpose​?’, where we will be discussing the merits of public exams such as GCSEs and A-Levels, hearing the perspectives of current school students as well as other speakers from across the education sector. This event is being organised by our Under 19s Advocacy Group, with the support of the Education Network.

Confirmed speakers so far:

  • Introduction by Laura Cunliffe-Hall - YF Chair
  • Ralph Ali - YF U19s Group Chair and Young Labour U18s Rep
  • Zahra Lahrie - Labour Students South East Rep
  • Steve Coulter - Head of Industrial Strategy, Skills and Sustainability at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBC)
  • Kevin Courtney - Joint General Secretary of the National Education Union

You do not need a conference pass to gain access to this event and all are welcome, so please do come along to be part of this discussion, and find out more about other Fabian Society events throughout conference here. Keep an eye on our social media channels as we confirm more speakers for the event.

September 27, 2022 at 9:00am - 10am
Room 1, Floor 4, Maritime Museum
Laura Cunliffe-Hall ·

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