This year's Young Fabian AGM takes place on the morning of Saturday 24th November. All members are welcome to attend in order to formally ratify the new Executive Committee and discuss motions.
If you wish to submit a motion to be discussed at this year's AGM, these must be sent in by 5pm on Saturday 3rd November using this form.
In addition, members will have an opportunity to discuss and vote on proposed policy networks put forward following discussion by the Executive Committee. Policy networks are autonomous policy hubs for members interested in particular policy areas. To ensure networks remain active, engaging and relevant to the issues within our society, there are eight slots.
Prior to the AGM, all existing networks are invited to re-apply with the support of 10 signatures, while new networks can be proposed by members who have 15 signatures and clear objectives about the policy area (and issues) their network would be aiming to address.
Whether you are an existing network or proposing a new network, you will need to apply using this form to be considered by the AGM. Please return this form to [email protected] by Monday 19th November at 5pm.
If you have any queries, please do get in touch with our Chair, Ria Bernard.