Next up in our Women in Leadership Series, we'll be turning our attention to the low number of women studying and working in STEM subjects. Following on from our health focus last month, we're sticking with the sciences to explore why so few women go on to pursue university degrees and careers in the science, maths, engineering and technology fields.
Join us as we invite some of the exceptional leading women in the UK to talk about their experiences of working and climbing that career ladder in the STEM industries; what they feel the main challenges are; and how they feel we can change the situation. We have a fabulous roundtable lined up for you, including:
Professor Carole Mundell, Head of Astrophysics at the University of Bath and FDM EveryWoman in Technology Award Winner 2016
Dr Aysha Raza, Research Associate at the Institute of Neurology, University College London (UCL), and FWN Women in STEM Steering Network Group project lead
Marsha David, Clerk in the Parliamentary Science & Technology Committee
Nare Vardanyan, Founder of the tech start-up, Mind Bin
At a time when education (and all subjects) are equally accessible to girls and boys, why do we continue to have such a gender imbalance within STEM-related careers? With a host of fantastic speakers and a venue renowned for it's world-quality STEM research, why not join us?
**Open to female and male members and friends**
For further details, email Ria Bernard, Vice-Chair: [email protected]
Event venue: Pearson Lecture Theatre (G22), University College London. Please see the following map for further information:
Nearest train stations: Euston Square, Euston Station, Warren Street.
Hopefully see you there!
University College London (UCL)
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom
Google map and directions