In 2016, Donald Trump built a path to victory which ran through industrial towns in states like Pennsylvania - which had long been part of the Democrats' 'Blue Wall'. In 2019, Labour experienced a defeat of its own in towns across the 'Red Wall' as Boris Johnson led a Conservative landslide. Both results sparked shock and soul-searching on the centre-left.
In 2020, enough voters in Pennsylvania - and other 'Blue Wall' states like Wisconsin and Michigan - swung over to the Democrats to deliver victory to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
On 16 December the Young Fabians will dig beyond the headlines and pundits' hot-takes: and speak to young people who helped bring that victory about on the ground.
You can register for this Zoom event here.
Tony Thomas and Jaclyn Victor are two young Democratic activists who persuaded, organised and mobilised voters in Pennsylvania. This event will give you the chance to hear their stories and ask your questions about what it was like to be part of a winning campaign against a backdrop of polarisation, culture wars and attempts to undermine faith in the US electoral system.
We hope this will provide inspiration for young British political activists - from big ideas, to practical organising techniques, to top tips for the doorstep or phone bank.