Join the IPG, Young Fabians and Fabian Society for an evening with Lord Ray Collins, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development on the 16th July at 7pm for a crucial event to discuss the government’s recent announcement of plans to merge the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO).
You can register for the Zoom call here.
The announcement of the merger has worried many, with the evident danger of the amalgamation of the two resulting in diluting key priorities such as poverty reduction. With the Foreign Office handed direct control of the ring fenced £14 billion aid budget, charities, three former Prime Ministers and MPs from across the political spectrum have expressed concerns that funding for tackling destitution and conflict will be repurposed for political purchasing power rather than development-oriented purposes.
"Scrapping DFID in the middle of a world pandemic, the department that has been leading the global development of a vaccine and providing health resources to the world’s poorest is both irresponsible and counterproductive." -Lord Collins’ quote for Cecilia’s DFID-FCO merger article, published by the Oxford Political Review here.
This event will consider:
-What this merger means for international development
-How aid may become ‘tied’ and why this should be resisted
-What we can do to prevent the dilution of priorities
There will be time for Q and A after chair questions. If you would like to submit in advance, please contact Cecilia. We are pleased to be joined by members from LCID and Policy Network and this event is free and open to all.
Labour Campaign for International Development's (LCID) statement and template for writing to your MP on the merger available here (third post down)
We look forward to hosting you online!
July 16, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Cecilia Eve