Join us for the Big Debate: Whats should Labour's housing policy be?

After our event with Thangam Debbonaire MP on the future of Labours housing policy, join us for a debate on the topic
Our panel will include:

Anisha Faruk - Open Labour
Anya Martin - PricedOut UK
Cllr Ben Clay - Tenants Union UK
Chris Worrall - Labours Housing Group

Register here:


Structure for the debate

The motion for tonight's debate:

"This house believes that the Labour Party should adopt the 'Cancel the Rent' policy as laid out in the open letter titled 'On the Subject of Rent and COVID-19'"

Opening remarks up to 2 mins per person.

After the opening remarks you will each have up to 2 mins for comment or rebuttal on each other's arguments continuously for the 30-35 minutes in the debate. Timings at the chairs discretion and I will bring people in to ensure a balanced discussion.

Closing remarks up to 3 mins per person.

We will be asking watchers to write rebuttals and comment pieces in response to the debate.

Materials for the debate

1. Labour List write up;…/cancel-the-rent-policy-would-be-u…/
2. The Open Letter sent to the party;…/1FAIpQLSdJqhkhtaQxZWipR0…/viewform

May 22, 2020 at 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Zoom Registration

Will you come?