Universal Basic Income is one of the biggest ideas of our time. Its supporters argue that it will tackle poverty and promote freedom; that it will value labour that currently goes unpaid; and that it will become necessary as more and more jobs become automated. Several governments are looking to introduce a Universal Basic Income (UBI), or are already piloting it.
But can UBI really live up to these radical promises? Or should the Left pursue alternative approaches to meeting these goals, like Universal Basic Services?
Join us for a constructive debate on these questions at UCL, where you will have a chance to share your ideas and hear from the following speakers:
- Dr Malcolm Torry, Director of the Citizen's Income Trust and Visiting Senior Fellow in Social Policy at LSE;
- Barb Jacobson, Chair of Unconditional Basic Income Europe;
- Andrew Percy, Co-Director of the UCL Social Prosperity Network and co-author of their report on Universal Basic Services;
- Dr Harry Pitts, lecturer at the University of Bristol School of Economics, Finance & Management, and author of Beyond Basic Income: Overcoming the Crisis of Social Democracy?
- the Vice-Chair of the Young Fabian Economy & Finance Network (moderator)
We hope you can join us! Full directions and information on the venue are available here:
October 16, 2018 at 7:00pm - 9pm