Come join event chair Tim Khalid and the Comms Network Steering Committee for an exciting evening dedicated to all things communications.
Why did Cameron win in 2015? How did Blair change the Labour brand? Just what the hell happened in the US last year? We’ll be asking the questions and finding the answers.
Starting with an open discussion on what makes effective political communications, we’ll then move onto activities about comms in student politics, then ask the big questions about communications during the 2015 general election and beyond. Finally, we’ll come together to discuss what lessons we’ve learned and what we’d change about the political communications of today.
Then, well, you know the drill: the traditional drinks and debate at the Old Star after.
So, whether you work in communications, have an interest in the area or just want to get to grips with how political parties represent themselves in 2017, come join us for a fun evening of discussion, drinks and… you guessed it: political communications.