We will be launching our research pamphlet, A Nation Divided: Building a United Kingdom, at this year's Labour Party Conference.
This pamphlet has been written by 18 Young Fabian members and explores the extent to which social, economic, regional, cultural and intergenerational divisions have led to a breakdown in community cohesion and social integration.
Join us as we discuss with our panel of speakers the divisions that underpinned the Brexit vote, and scrutinise the policy solutions put forward to tackle the rising disengagement between social groups within and between our communities.
We will be joined by:
James Bloodworth, Journalist & Author
Stephen Kinnock MP & member of the Social Integration APPG
Paul Sweeney MP & Shadow Under-Secretary of State for Scotland
Reema Patel, Nuffield Foundation
Ria Bernard (chair), Young Fabian National Chair
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Merseyside Maritime Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool L3 4AQ.
Please note you will need a conference pass to access this venue.