Come and join our exciting launch of the One Nation Ideas Series research stream that the Young Fabians have undertaken this year. We will be joined by:
- Ivan Lewis MP, Shadow Secretary of State of Northern Ireland who has been working on youth engagement in politics.
- Heather Vernon, Chair, Feminism Ideas Series
- Callum Totton, Chair, Socialism and Capitalism Ideas Series.
- A CWU Representative
- James Hallwood, Young Fabians Chair (Chair)
The event will take the format of a roundtable, and hard copies of the pamphlet will be available on the day.
This series is kindly supported by the Communication Workers Union.
September 22, 2014 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Lord Mayor's Parlour
Manchester Town Hall
Albert Square
Manchester M2 5DB
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Manchester Town Hall
Albert Square
Manchester M2 5DB
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
James Hallwood