Members Survey 2014

We would be very keen to hear your views on what you like about the Young Fabian programme and what you are currently missing. Tell us about your ideas on what the Young Fabians should be doing in future and help us deliver a better programme for our members.

This is why the Young Fabians will be conducting our first membership survey over the next 4 weeks. We would appreciate it if you could take 5 minutes to answer a few questions by clicking on the following link. There are 32 questions in total.

As a thank you for your help, we have two prizes to give away. Two lucky members will receive either a signed copy of Douglas Alexander's and Ian Kearn's new book 'Influencing Tomorrow' or a year free Fabian Society membership.

Better still, everyone is a winner, as all who complete the survey will receive a 50% off voucher for 'Influencing Tomorrow'.

Final question now. How could membership of Young Fabians be improved?

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