Join us as the Young Fabians share a panel with Merseyside Fabians and Liverpool City Councillors to discuss how effectively a Labour council can innovate in the face of austerity from central government.

7pm – 9pm Friday February 16th
22 School Ln, Liverpool L1 3BT

Creative Solutions in Local Government with the Merseyside Fabians – Invest-to-earn, landlord licensing and LED streetlights: how a Labour council in Liverpool is innovating in the face of an assault on local government. This event will entitle a variety of policy areas and inform a project being undertaken by the Young Fabian Committee Member for Local Government Policy Adam Allnutt.

The event will be an interactive Q&A and debate after a talk given by each of the panellists on their different areas of interest.

Speakers will include Cllr James Roberts (Liverpool) Chair of Audit on the Fire Authority and Deputy Chair on the Council, Cllr Hetty Wood, Chair of Regeneration, Adam Allnutt Local Government Policy Liaison and others soon to be announced.

February 16, 2018 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Friends Meeting House, 22 School Ln, Liverpool L1 3BT
Adam Allnutt ·
Mikey Sykes Liam Blacklock Adam Allnutt

Who's RSVPing

Mikey Sykes
Liam Blacklock
Adam Allnutt

Will you come?