Every woman in the world is unique, but the one thing that unites us is that we have all faced biases in one form or another, depending on our background and circumstances.

This year the theme for International Women's Day was #BreaktheBias and we will be discussing the experiences of women across Europe who have stood for public office, how they differ across borders, and what we can do to encourage more women to stand for office.


We are delighted to be joined by:

Alicia Homs Ginel MEP- JSE Spain

Sarah Murphy MS- Welsh Labour

Camila Garfias- VSStO and Rainbow Rose

Yéléna Matuziak- MJS Belgium

Chair- Nicki Adeleke, Young Fabians Women's Officer 


The event will be on Zoom- please join using the link


March 16, 2022 at 7:00pm - 8pm

Will you come?