The Young Fabians BAME Advocacy Group are delighted to announce our first In Conversation event, with comedian and commentator Ayesha Hazarika!
Ayesha has worked for the Labour Party as an advisor to Gordon Brown, Harriet Harman and Ed Miliband, and helped draft the landmark Equality Act 2010.
Prior to this, she worked as a civil servant for the Department of Agriculture, and later in the press office for the Department of Trade and Industry. During this time, she also spent many evenings performing stand-up comedy, and has more recently returned to stand-up with three full-length shows; Tales From The Pink Bus, State of The Nation, and Girl on Girl: The Fight For Feminism ('not a lipstick lesbian floorshow for the lads', she clarifies).
Join us for an in-depth discussion of her career, what the civil service and high-level politics is like as a BAME woman, how much both have changed over the years, and the truth about Ed Miliband and badgers.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A, after which we'd love for you to join us for a drink.
Palace of Westminster
London SW1A 0AA
United Kingdom
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