Join Shadow Secretary of State for Defence Emily Thornberry MP and special guests for the launch of the Young Fabian Defence and Security Review in Westminster.
To launch the review, Emily and the panel will be speakingon the concept of 'national security'. At a time of multiple security challenges from both states and non-state actors, and with states more dependent upon one another than ever before to respond, is it still possible to speak of 'national security', or is the reality more complex?
We will also be using the launch to introduce the successful applicants to the Review's core group, who will lead on writing and publishing the Review's Report in the Autumn. You'll have the chance to ask both them and Emily questions, as well as to feed into the Review process via structured group discussions.
Finally, if you'd like to apply to be part of the core group, applications are open until the 2nd of May - information on how to apply can be found here
May 11, 2016 at 6:00pm - 8pm
House of Commons Committee Room 6
Ben West