Join us for the next Young Fabian Tech Network roundtable, covering discussion about how open data about government and public services can drive forward accountability, reduce the scope for corruption and abuses in office; and build a more meaningful interaction between the state and citizens.

Steve Goodrich, Transparency International UK Senior Research Office and author of 'Tackling Corruption through Open Data', and Alexandra Runswick, Director of Unlock Democracy, will be speaking kick starting discussion. The speakers, and Q&A, will cover:

* What is open data all about, how well is the UK doing in terms of producing useful data about government and what is it used for? 

* What is the potential of open data for improving government and improving people's lives?

* What are the stumbling blocks to tapping this potential and for making a real difference in government and for the public?

We hope to see you there to join in the discussion!

May 17, 2016 at 6:30pm - 9:30pm
The Fabian Society
61 Petty France
London SW1H 9EU
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Nicolas Turner ·
Shahrazad Khan Calum Handforth Basil Mussad Deeba Syed Channon Zhangazha Martin Edobor Linus Sioland Nicolas Turner Ian Kugler Natta Charusilawong

Who's RSVPing

Shahrazad Khan
Calum Handforth
Basil Mussad
Deeba Syed
Channon Zhangazha
Martin Edobor
Linus Sioland
Nicolas Turner
Ian Kugler
Natta Charusilawong

Will you come?