The Young Fabian networks have been one of the most successful long-term ways that opportunities have been created for members to take charge and shape our programme.
They are in essense special-interest groups focused around particular industries and policy area, with their own membership that extend both within the Young Fabians and professionals and academics who are not traditionally interfacing with politics.
Each network is led by their own Steering Committees, and elect their own officers - a Chair and others they see fit. One of the greatest attributes of steering committees is that they are not exclusive, they are always open for members to join and get involved.
As all member-driven activity our netorks rely on our members volunteering their time to build the group year-on-year. Over the past few years our two most successful networks have been the Finance and Health whom both have produced comphensive event programmes and publications during their existance.
Call for Networks
The executive woud like to announce a call to the membership for an expression of interest for new networks this coming Fabian year (starting in November). This call will give you the opportunity to express an interest in any industry/policy area that you feel you would like to participate on the steering committee of (and help run the programme).
Some examples of ideas include:
- Education Network
- Communications Industry Network
- International Relations / Development Network
We would like to ask if you are interested being on the committee to run any new networks to get in touch with our Networks Officer, Lorna Russell at [email protected], with your idea.
The deadline is Friday 19th September but we advise that you get ideas in as soon as possible as we will be faciliting discussions and meetings between those with similar interests from September.
Viable groups will be guided to apply formally for a new network, with a decision expected as soon as the new Executive Committee takes over in November.