Hi everyone!
As some of you know the Young Fabians Arts + Culture network is now a reality. To get initial input from you, and to celebrate its creation, we'd love you to join our first meetup and drinks at the ICA bar.
If you're outside of London, fret not! Get in touch with Carolina Saludes (event admin) and she'll dial you in.
The purpose of the network will be to promote debate and come up with policy ideas around the Arts, Culture and Sport in the UK, starting with an event and AGM in January. The year will be structured around three key themes:
- The Politics of the Arts, including international diplomacy, regional regeneration and political messaging through the Arts
- Inclusion and Diversity in the Arts, including issues such as BAME involvement in classical music, diversity in film, and building a sene of belonging through the arts
- The Business of Art, including Arts funding, the issue of ethical Arts trades, corporate sponsorships and public architecture.
We couldn't think of a better place to hold this event than the Institute of Contemporary Arts, a venue for the promotion and debate of the Arts for over 70 years. As its director Stefan Kalmar said: 'The Institute of Contemporary Arts in London has been the model for most ICAs that exist in the world today. Since its founding in 1946, the ICA contextualises contemporary culture within the socio-political conditions of the times. The ICA was created as an institute (not a museum), for the contemporary (not just modern) and for all the arts (not just art).'
We can't wait to see you there!
Carolina + Eduardo