At the beginning of next month, voters across England will head to the polls in what will be a key test for Labour. Council positions in 34 English authorities, the very first CA Mayoralties and the Manchester Gorton parliamentary seat are all up for grabs.
So what will success look like for Labour on May the 4th? Can it emerge victorious from the closely contested battle for the West Midlands? Is the party now only relevant in urban areas? Could disappointing results spell the beginning of the end for its leadership?
Join us in the Houses of Parliament at 7pm on April 27th to find out. First we'll hear from a panel of experts from Labour List, YouGov and the Local Government Information Unit, then we'll open it out to the floor so you can ask the burning questions and have your say.
Confirmed Panelists:
Andrew Walker (Local Government Information Unit)
Emma Bean (LabourList)
Chris Curtis (YouGov)
We'll be confirming the exact Meeting Room in Parliament nearer the time. In the meantime, RSVP on our website, click attending on our Facebook event and keep checking back for further details.
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