The Young Fabians have set up a new Young Scottish Fabians national group to hold events, coordinate writing on Scottish politics and policy, and build the Young Fabians' presence in Scotland.

If you're a Young Fabian member based in Scotland then we'd love you get involved! At this meeting you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Meet other Young Fabians in Scotland.
  • Stand and vote in elections for the role of Group Secretary - and possibly other officer positions - to serve alongside our founding Chair Albie Mills for the rest of 2020.
  • Share your ideas on the group's plans for 2020, and find out how to get involved. These plans currently include producing a pamphlet on Scottish politics ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections in 2021.

To join, please register for the Zoom call here. We hope to see you soon!

How to stand for election:

  • Please note that the Secretary of the Young Scottish Fabians for 2020 must be female, unless no woman self-nominates for the role: in which case a man may be elected. This is in the interests of gender parity, given that the Chair of the Young Scottish Fabians for 2020 is male.
  • If you'd like to stand for Secretary, you can do so by self-nominating at the Meeting and making an optional speech of up to 2 mins. If you can't attend the Meeting, then please submit a written statement of less than 350 words to YF's Regional Officer Mo Ahmed at [email protected]. Mo will then read your statement on your behalf during the meeting, and oversee the election process.
  • Once the Secretary has been elected, the Chair and Secretary may choose to define additional officer roles and open them for election. They can be flexible with this, so feel free to suggest a role that you think would be helpful for the Young Scottish Fabians.
  • Please note that you must be a member of the Young Fabians living at an address in Scotland (for at least part of 2020) to stand for any officer position or to vote in elections for officer positions. If you're under 31, you can join the Young Fabians by joining the Fabian Society here.
June 25, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Mo Ahmed ·