Young Fabians Elections 2015
The Fabian Society and Young Fabians are proud to be a democratically governed, member-led society. Our executive committee is elected by all members. The next election takes place in September.
The executive committee primary function is to oversee the activities of the group, support key foundations of our organisation and provide community leadership to enable our members to run their own projects.
If you are interested and want more information about what's involved please get in contact with us.
Nominations are now open for the annual election to the Young Fabian executive, open to any member under the age of 31 on 21 November 2015, the date of the Annual General Meeting.
Nominations should be in writing and individuals can nominate themselves. Nominees should submit a statement in support of their nomination, including information about themselves, of not more than 70 words. Please also give your date of birth (not for publication). Nominations should be sent by email to [email protected] with “Young Fabian Executive Election” in the subject line.
The closing date for nominations is Friday 14 August 2015.
Election will be by electronic ballot of all Young Fabian members. The ballot will open on 21 September, and close on 23 October, with the new committee taking over at our AGM in November.