June 26, 2015
YF members participate in FEPS YAN
Three Young Fabian members participated in the recent seminar of the Foundation of European Progressive Studies Young Academics Network on Friday 26th June. The network formed in 2009 brings 50 young academics across Europe who form working groups to produce published work. Young Fabians Dee Goddard (Gender) and Rich Penny (Labour Markets) are participating in the current cycle of the programme.
Three Young Fabian members participated in the recent seminar of the Foundation of European Progressive Studies Young Academics Network on Friday 26th June. The network formed in 2009 brings 50 young academics across Europe who form working groups to produce published work. Young Fabians Dee Goddard (Gender) and Rich Penny (Labour Markets) are participating in the current cycle of the programme.
The network was joined by MEPs Prof. Marju Lauristin, Brando Benefei and Victor Negrescu.
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