Welcome to the 2019/20 Committee

Adam Allnutt, new Young Fabian chair sets out the executive’s plan for the year ahead. 

The Young Fabians are a brilliant group of young people who have the potential to change policy and influence at the highest level. I am privileged to have been re-elected to the Executive for another year and even prouder to have been given the chance to Chair the society as we go into our 60th year.

As a committee we’ll have two touch stones for the year ahead that will guide the decisions we will collectively make:

- Creating a training ground for young people looking to get into politics and policy influencing roles
- A voice for young people on the left and a space for debate

The modern young left is trying to find its feet. Activists want to debate the big ideas and help form the policy that shape the future of not just our country, but our world. 

Our society is uniquely placed to act as a forum for this energy and help people shape their own opinions through rigorous debate, open days and the production of well researched papers. Whether we talk about the future of the EU and the UK’s place in it, how we can and must confront the climate crisis whilst building a fairer society, confronting the fourth industry revolution and the future of work, how do we defend and extend our hard fought civil liberties, the list is endless and will be guided our members’ interests.

The Networks are something really special in the Young Fabians and supporting them to be the platform where the majority of activity comes from will be key. It is how most activists engage with the society and we as a committee need to do a better job nurturing the brilliantly talented people involved. With the pamphlets, projects, events and other activities, the Policy Networks are for the most part the training ground where talent can be built and nurtured.

During this year I will not take on a project as Chair and will spend my time helping our group build capacity, assist YF members to upskill and get invaluable experience, develop a programme of activity that will help people develop their ideas. This year will be all about the future, and how we move forward together on the left.  

I could not be more confident in the ability of the committee that has been elected: we really do have a set of rising stars that I have no doubt will make an impact. I am honoured to have the confidence of the committee to take up the role of Chair, and thank them for their confidence.

The following is a rundown of the committee and programme that we collectively put together, and will deliver as a team:


Chair - Adam Allnutt

Focus on supporting the running of the Young Fabians, establishing partnerships with a range of organisations, and fundraising.

Vice-Chair - Carolina Saludes

Overall branding, key events and messaging, fundraising and events including the Young Fabians 60th Birthday Celebrations and the Boat Party.

Secretary - Leon Alleyne-Mclaughlin

Logistical Support for the committee, establishing the Liberation Advocacy Groups, project work.

Treasurer - Mhairi Tordoff

Project on the Climate Emergency, moving to a different green bank account, establish the Friends of the Young Fabians.

Regional Co-Ordinator - Mo Ahmed

Regional and International partnership work with events and policy, open day in Manchester or Liverpool.

Antics Editor - Henna Shah

Re-design Antics, focus on new voices, supported by the committee in themes and pieces, led on partnership with outside organisations 

Antics Assistant-Editor - Nathaneal Amos-Sansam

Assist with themes, production, messaging of Antics and getting pitches and articles submitted for the magazine. Co-led the online blog (with Matt), assist with network liaising (with Mark).

International Officer - Hollie Wickens

Regional and International partnership work with events and policy, open day in Cardiff.

Policy Officer - Becky Montacute

Lead a policy project on Access to Politics and the Fabian Society for people with Lower Socioeconomic Backgrounds.

Networks Liaison - Mark Whitaker

Help Policy Networks with AGMs, projects and events.

Communications Officer - Matt Dickinson

Website editor, co-led the blog, handle communications to members including the monthly newsletter.

Students Officer - Isobel Housecroft

Outreach to university societies, higher education institutions and Labour Clubs for events and policy work. 


Programme of work for the year


- Members Survey


We will survey members to find out what people involved in the Young Fabians want us to do.


- Friends of the Young Fabians


Patrons Programme: create a facility for regular and one off giving from individuals.


Money will be used for the general running of YF and the establishment of a small grants programme open to all YF members and Networks for events and projects.


- 60th Birthday Fundraising Celebration in March 2020


Celebratory event with Fabians, young and old.


- Three to Five Embassy Events


Reception events at embassies with notable speakers.


- Three+ Open Days


One new year open day inside London and two outside London.


- Partnership work with the Senior Fabians


Collaboration on blog posts, project work, network and policy group collaborations, Friends of the Young Fabians and events.


- Become full members of the Young European Socialists


Closer ties to youth movements across the EU.


- Monthly Newsletter


Updates from committee and networks, events for the month, and blog highlights.


- Reenergise the blog


Weekly takeovers by committee members, network execs, notables and outside organisations including Open Labour, SERA, Another Europe is Possible, Progress etc


- Branding Review and Harmonisation


Complete review of all the Young Fabian branding for the committee and networks, with a full rebranding exercise.


- Establishing Liberation Advocacy Groups


Alongside the networks establishing the constitutional footing for Liberation Advocacy Groups, starting with the BAME Group. This will allow in the future, if there is appetite, the creation of further advocacy groups.


- Charity of the Year


We put a call to members to gather ideas, then put the top three to five back to the members to pick a charity. One or two charity dinners or events, with possibly an organised run or challenge event.


Option to conduct some policy work and analysis on the charity’s area of work.


- Trip to the European Parliament


Arrange a weekend trip to Brussels in the new year.


- Project: Access to Politics for people with Lower Socioeconomic Backgrounds


Policy project led by Becky.

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