March 15, 2014
Contact: James

School Talk On Socialism Given By Our Chair

King’s College School might not seem the most obvious venue for a talk on socialism, but our Chair, James Hallwood, was invited to speak to students about One Nation Labour and what socialism means in the 21st century.

King’s College School might not seem the most obvious venue for a talk on socialism, but our Chair, James Hallwood, was invited to speak to students about One Nation Labour and what socialism means in the 21st century.

James commented afterwards, “It was encouraging to see so many young people open to, and interested, in what Labour stands for. Regardless of background, Labour has a message that can speak to everyone – truly One Nation”

James will be speaking at a variety of schools across the country to explain who the Young Fabians are and what Labour’s message should be in the run-up to 2015.

If you have a school or group that wants a Young Fabian speaker contact us at [email protected]