Over 18 countries around the world have in some way legalised the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, is it now time for the UK to follow suit? Come and join the Young Fabians in Parliament as we discuss the legalisation of the medicinal use of cannabis in the United Kingdom and its place in Labour Party policy.
During the 2016 leadership contest Jeremy Corbyn said that he supported decriminalising the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes but the 2017 Labour Party manifesto did not mention it. With a panel made up of health professionals, Young Fabians and a Member of Parliament we will explore the policy position, its implications and the road map to getting a change in the law.
On the panel so far we have Adam Allnutt, Young Fabian Committee Member, Sonia Adesara, Chair of the Young Fabian Health Network, Baroness Molly Meacher, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Reform, Geneviève Edwards, Director of External Affairs at the MS Society, Dr Martin Edobor, GP trainee and Fabian Society Executive Member and Paul Flynn MP, who has put forward a private members bill - https://services.parliament.uk/bills/2017-19/legalisationofcannabismedicinalpurposes.html