The ongoing lockdown threatens to harm the ability for young, diverse voices to start a career in journalism. Local and national media outlets are starting to feel the pinch of the pandemic, with newsdesks at Buzzfeed cut and over 180 jobs lost at the Guardian.
We'll be looking at how this is continuing to affect budding young journalists entering the sector, while looking at practical solutions that might help support and encourage young people into a sector in spite of the pandemic.
These problems are more intractable, of course. Even before the pandemic started to bite, class, race and disability have traditionally been major barriers for young people in accessing largely London-centric internships and entry-level jobs. All too often, talented young journalists are being held behind in their ambitions - not as a result of a lack of ability but a lack of financial means and contacts.
The Communications Network speaks with Olivia Crellin, co-founder of the social enterprise Press Pad, about how we can support young journalists under lockdown. Since the start of the pandemic, the company has been providing remote mentorship and pitch clinics to ensure that though young people can't travel to internships in offices, they have all the support they need remotely to fine tune their skills.
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Event panellist
Olivia Crellin, BBC World service producer and co-founder of PressPad
Olivia Crellin is a freelance producer, on-air reporter and documentary filmmaker working primarily for the BBC World Service in London. She is an award-winning journalist specializing in international online and broadcast news
About PressPad
PressPad is an award-winning social enterprise that is fighting to lower the financial barrier of entry into journalism. PressPad links young people with work experience in London with experienced journalists who can offer a spare room plus great advice. PressPad also adds them to their intern networks so they can learn from each other. It’s mentoring, networking and accommodation all rolled into one.
However, as a result of lockdown measures, PressPad was forced to cancel its hosting of young journalists through the scheme with young people seeing their placements placed on hold indefinitely.
PressPad has recently launched its PressPad Remote scheme, an exciting programme of activities, which includes masterclasses from the PressPad team alongside special guests, Q&As with top journalists, CV and pitch clinics and also even speed mentoring. PressPad is also currently running a CV clinic where young journalists can send in there CV for the team to help advise them
The focus of PressPad remote is to help young journalists connect with each other and with established journalists as if they were currently doing work experience in a newsroom or attending networking events after work or university.