Generation Crisis

Published December 2012
Edited by Claire Leigh and Joel Mullan
Foreword by Stella Creasy MP
With chapters by Tasmia Akkas, Jamie Audsley, Tobin Byers, Stephen Farrington, Mary Hill, Jonny Medland, Charlie Samuda and Sarah Shannon.
The next generation are facing big challenges. For the last two years, young people have been at the sharp end of this Coalition auster¬ity programme, yet even without the choices made by the current Government, this is a generation under increasing pressure from social, environmental and economic change as never before. For the first time in a hundred years, the British promise, the expectation that children will have more opportunities than their parents, is at risk.
This pamphlet brings together a set of responses to these challenges which Labour should explore. Each chapter stems from a policy process involving Young Fabian members, politicians, academics, business and community leaders, charity workers and young people.
Through this collection the Young Fabians hope to provide an insight into how young people themselves view the challenges facing them, and set out some of the best and most exciting ideas emerging from discussions.