Join us at our Commission's AGM as we elect a new Chair and Secretary, talk about what we want to achieve over the coming year, and network with young people on the left!
Please note that you will need to be a full member of the Young Fabians in order to stand for any role, or to vote in the elections. The elections will be followed by a discussion and social drinks.
If you would like to run for Chair or Secretary you may do so by self-nominating at the AGM, or by submitting a written statement of up to 350 words to [email protected]. If you choose to submit a written statement, please be sure to specify which role you are running for.
If you are able to attend, then you will be invited to speak for up to 2 minutes to outline your plans and ideas for the year before the voting starts. If you are unable to attend, then your 350 word statement will be read out on your behalf before the voting starts.
The Young Fabian members in attendance will then elect a candidate to each of these roles via a secret ballot.
The newly elected Chair may then choose to create one or more additional roles on the Steering Committee, to help run the Commission. If the new Chair decides to do so, then there will be an election to choose the new holder of each additional role. All of the votes will be overseen by a current member of the Young Fabian Executive Committee.
Once candidates have been elected, the new Chair and Secretary will be expected to chair an open discussion with all attendees about what they would like the Network to achieve in the coming year.