Call for Pamphlet Contributors: Young Fabian BME Pamphlet

Young Fabians are launching a research project looking at how the Left interacts with the British BME population. We are attempting to understand Britain's BME population, and how they engage with political communities like the Labour party. We want to produce a pamphlet that collects the very best analysis, commentary, ideas and research (inc. interviews with leading BME figures!) to develop thinking on this issue.Send a 250-300 word pitch of what you would like to write about in a chapter to [email protected] by 10pm 21st July

Get involved and help us lead thinking on this topic.

The BME population in Britain is set to grow and we feel missing amongst a lot of the 'Labour Future' debate is an understanding about these groups and engaging them in politics.

In the 2015 General Election, the Conservatives put three times more BME candidates in winnable seats and new research from British Future shows that 1 million BME voters helped keep David Cameron in Number 10. This means that one in three minority ethnic voters supported the Tories, which is the party’s best result to date. More specifically, they found the Tories won as many Asian votes as Labour did across the UK, and as many BME votes in the South of England. 
We're inviting members to take part in developing the ideas and contributing to this pamphlet. Please send a 250-300 word proposal on what you would like to write about. You may consider writing a chapter that answers one of these questions:
  • Is this just the beginning of the decline in BME votes for Labour?
  • Is this just a 'South thing'?
  • Can Labour address this issue by increasing BME representation in Parliament? How?
  • Has Labour’s appeal to ethnic minority voters declined?
  • Has Labour become complacent on BME votes?
  • Are BME groups cut off from other political communities on the Left, what of the far-left?
  • How do BME groups engage with politics?

Successful applicants will act as chapter-leaders, leading and coordinating the work of their chapter. They will be expected to carry out some research activity, including at least one event, to inform the group's thinking. 
To apply to become a chapter-leader please email Ade Adeyemi [email protected] with your 250-300 word pitch. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. This is open to BME and non-BME Young Fabian members.
Applications are open for three weeks, closing at 10pm 21st July.

Contact the project leaders below with any questions you may have. 

Adebusuyi Adeyemi 
Vice-Chair, Young Fabians
Vickram Grewal
Young Fabian Member, Co-Editor YF BME Review
July 06, 2015 at 9:00pm - July 21, 2015
Ade Adeyemi ·