Fast Forward
Most Young Fabians were in their teens when New Labour came to power twelve years ago. Many were still at primary school. We are a generation whose formative political years have been spent under a Labour government. Much has been achieved in that time – including the national minimum wage, vital investment in education and the National Health Service and policies to help society turn the corner on inequality and life chances – but much is left still to do, and we must be the generation to do it. Our society continues to be one in which four million children live in poverty. Over 60,000 young workers under 22 earn less than the minimum wage in jobs with limited prospects of progression.
It is our generation that must pick up the tab for a 200-year old carbon legacy and it is we who must seek to re-invigorate democracy both at home and internationally to find just solutions to manifold injustices. If we are to have any hope of addressing these and other challenges, we must move the progressive agenda forward, and fast.
The work of this years policy groups cover the following areas:
• The Economy & Prosperity
• International & Security Policy
• Democracy & Communities
• The Public Realm
The New Generation
Half a century since founding, and the Young Fabians are still growing – in numbers and in influence. Britain’s most active progressive organisation run by and for young people epitomises the new generation so important to Labour’s future.
Hundreds of Young Fabian members signed up to participate in four innovative policy development groups in the months since Labour’s defeat at the polls in 2010.
Published here together are four essays presenting the ideas from these groups - on education, work, families, development, energy, and the economy. And on much-needed reform of the Labour Party.
This pamphlet presents new ideas for a new leader of the Labour Party – but also for the whole movement.
The new generation is ready and able.
"For 50 years, the Young Fabians have played a crucial role in developing new policies for the Labour Party. More than ever before their fresh ideas and clear thinking will be important to creating the politics of the new generation."
- Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Labour Party
Understanding the Middle East Conflict
e world continues to watch with awe and anxiety as countries throughout the Middle East are throwing off the burdens of suppression and dictatorship. As Colonel Gaddafi’s Libya has become a regime of the past, the consequences of the Arab Spring remain hard to predict. The momentous change in the region is already altering the dynamics of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Throughout 2011, the Young Fabians Middle East Programme has looked at this complex conflict from a range of angles. At several panel discussions, we have discussed Gaza’s future after the revolution in Egypt, pondered about the role of international stakeholders in the region and debated the challenge of dealing with Iran.
The highlight of the programme was a trip to Israel and Palestine, on which twelve Young Fabian delegates went in early September. For one week, we met with NGOs, politicians and campaigners for both sides. A short video of the trip is also available below. This pamphlet brings together their impressions and experiences and the lessons each delegate has drawn from the trip. We hope to encourage more people to learn, and try to visit the region themselves as it seeks to replace conflict with peace.
“Understanding the Middle East conflict – reflections of a Young Fabian delegation” was launched on Monday, 31st October at 7pm in Portcullis House in a packed Thatcher Room. Guest speakers were John Woodcock MP (Chair, LFI), Richard Burden MP (Vice-Chair, Labour Friends of Palestine), Toby Greene (BICOM) and Shazia Yamin (member of the delegation).
Women's Issues
Edited by Claire Leigh and Marie-Noëlle Loewe, with a foreword by Oona King.
Women's Issues is the inaugural pamphlet from Young Fabian Women, the feminist branch of the Young Fabians, and provides four of our most inspiring members with a platform to write about some of the key policy issues of our time, including the impact of cuts on young people, UK defence policy and party reform. Offering new insights and ideas on issues which have been dominated by male voices, it's clear Young Fabian Women have a lot to say. It's time we started listening.
As part of Equalities Month 2011 the pamphlet is available below and to download here.