Pages tagged "redbanner"

Why did you become a Fabian?

July 05, 2014
Contact: Martin Edobor

At this year’s Fabian Society Summer Conference, members young and old were asked the question: Why did you become a Fabian?

The video was created by Young Fabian members, Camilla Clarke and Richard Brooker

Get your young fabian wrist band!

July 04, 2014
Contact: Martin Edobor

Limited edition Young Fabian wristbands are available at Fabian and Young Fabian Society events. These wrist bands have been endorsed by Labour heavy weights such as Andy Burnham and Ed Balls, so be sure to pick one up. The wrist bands cost £2 and the money goes towards supporting the research and work of the Young Fabians.  Thank you, and  never forget to, "Educate, Agitate, Organise"

YF panel at Fabian Summer Conference

June 28, 2014

On 28 June, Chair of the Young Fabians James Hallwood moderated a panel debate entitled "Labour's pledgecard offer for young people" at the Fabian Society Summer Conference. The panellists were Bex Bailey, Young Labour's representative on the Labour National Executive Committee, Uma Kumaran, prospective parliamentary candidate for Harrow East, and Rushanara Ali MP, Shadow Minister for Education.

The lively discussion covered a range of issues Labour must address in order to win the trust and votes of young people, including vocational education, graduate jobs, lowering the voting age, and improving schools.  

China-nomics Discussion in Parliament

June 23, 2014
Contact: Joel Mullan

On 23 June, the Young Fabian China Programme continued with a panel discussion in parliament on the implications of the growing economic impact of China.

Jonathan Fenby, former Editor of The Observer and  the South China Morning Post opened the event by placing recent developments placed into a historical context. Lise Bertelson, Executive Director of the China-Britain Business Council gave an account of the business perspective, whilst Tim Page, Senior Policy Advisor at the TUC spoke about their recent report The Way of the Dragon. The event was chaired by the Young Fabians International Officer Joel Mullan.

The discussion and subsequent Q+A covered a wide range of issues, including the significance of the recent visit by the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, the visibility of British business within China, sources of potential growth in trade, and the implications of increasing Chinese assertiveness.

This event is part of a wider programme on the UK-China relationship.

YF on Radio 4

May 28, 2014

Today aired the first a new series on Radio 4 to discuss and debate institutions that affect British life. In this episode focused on Trade Unions, Stephanie Akomeah our Under 20's officer was invited to join the discussions on trade union's appeal to young people in the 21st century. 

You can listen to the episiode again on the BBC website.

Health Network on NHS reforms

May 06, 2014
Contact: Lorna Russell

On Tuesday, May 6 the Health Network led a panel discussion in Parliament to find an answer to the question ‘how can Labour reform the NHS without another top-down reform?’


Debbie Abrahams MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary to Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham MP, spoke for Labour, whilst NHS campaigner Jos Bell spoke on behalf of the London Socialist Health Association. The event was chaired by the Health Network Chair, Amrita Rose.

Local Government Network

May 03, 2014

Are you involved in Local Government? The Young Fabians are building a new community to bring together young individuals active and working in Local Government - whether they are officers, councillors, candidates or involved other ways.

We are very interested in all our members who are in Local Government becoming part of this network and would like to invite you to express your interest by filling out the form here.

Our networks provide platforms and social opportunities for Fabian members from specific industry and professional sectors.

Our Local Government Network is led by Hetty Wood, our Local Government and Regional Officer.

Internationalism Project Launch

May 01, 2014

On Wednesday we hosted the launch of the YF's Ideas Series project on Internationalism with Lord Jack McConnell. We covered a wide range of issues from what internationalism actually means in the 21st century to specific issues like Britain in Europe, UN Reform and how to make the case for aid an development.  

But above all we agreed that the debate must go on... 

Now we want to hear from you. We've put together a handy guide to running an event in your area. We want as many members as possible to get involved as possible. If you would like more information or advice, please contact Jessica Toale.

Please don't forget to join our Facebook group for updates, event write-ups and ongoing discussion.

For more information, check out the programme portal.

YF Closes Royal Society of Medicine Conference

April 26, 2014
Contact: Ade Adeyemi

Young Fabian Adebusuyi Adeyemi was a guest speaker at the Royal Society of Medicine over the weekend, closing the first day of a two-day forum. 

With a few exceptions, students of all health disciplines have little, if any, training in leadership, service improvement and multi-professional excellence. Yet from the moment they graduate, they require a range of such competencies, which become more important as they progress. Ade spoke about how this could be best achieved.

He argued that the ability to work across boundaries and achieve excellent patient care across disciplines has become ever more important. Future models of healthcare leadership will involve multiple actors who take up leadership roles both formally and informally, and importantly share leadership by working collaboratively. This collaborative leadership takes the form of new practices and innovations, with patients as well as staff members. As a result, leadership needs to be understood in terms of personal behavioural style or competences, rather than just leadership practices and organisational interventions. 

Ade will support the students and the Royal Society of Medicine in this important body of work

YF Review Morning News

April 26, 2014

Young Fabian Treasurer Martin Edobor was a breakfast guest this morning on Arise TV. Martin took part in a discussion on recent news including the ongoing situation in Eastern Ukraine, the debate around e-cigarettes, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and UKIP. 

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