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Young Fabians Campaigning

May 05, 2015
Contact: Joe Jervis

YF Marathon

On 18 and 19 April we turned up in large numbers in four London target seats to support four brilliant Labour candidates across the capital. Over the weekend we supported Catherine West, Neil Coyle, Ruth Cadbury and Dawn Butler.

Essex and the North West

The London Marathon followed a number of other campaign days as we work hard to secure a Labour victory. In February we headed to Harlow in Essex to support the excellent Suzy Stride to support her bid to unseat Robert Halfon.

In March we headed to the North West to campaign with four great key Labour candidates. On the Saturday we supported Nick Bent in Warrington South, Julia Tickridge in Weaver Vale and finished off with Chris Matheson in City of Chester and were delighted to be joined by Teresa Griffin MEP.

The following day we were were joined by Labour Students and Co-operative Youth to back Jeff Smith in Manchester Withington.


But perhaps the biggest of the lot was the bid to kick Nick Clegg out of Sheffield Hallam. On 7 March Young Fabians joined forces with Labour Students and local activists to support Oliver Coppard’s campaign drive and, with Lord Ashcroft’s latest polls showing Labour ahead in Clegg’s constituency, #KickNickOut could yet prove to be one of the defining moments of the 2015 election.

This significant level of youth support reflected Clegg’s infamous broken promise on tuition fees and his support for a Conservative-led coalition that scraped EMA and introduced the bedroom tax. It also reflects Coppard’s dedicated work on behalf of local young people, including his petition for local estate agents to scrap letting fees.

Oliver Coppard, Labour candidate for Sheffield Hallam, was in confident mood. Ahead of the campaigning day he said:

"I'm really pleased that the Young Fabians are coming up to Sheffield to support us, and that we're getting such significant support from young people from across the country. Young people and students have been let down more than perhaps any other group by this government. It's not only the scrapping of EMA, the spiralling cost of housing or the huge number of young people who are unemployed, it's the wider sense that this government is ignoring the needs of young people.

“Nick Clegg's decision to treble fees has been fundamental to the loss of faith in politicians of all stripes. That's why I'm putting young people at the heart of our campaign and why I'm so committed to working on behalf of the 12,000 students who live in Hallam if I'm elected in May."


YF Host Swedish Delegation

May 03, 2015

As one of the closest elections in recent years enters it's final week, the Young Fabians are delighted to announce that a delegation from the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League (SSU) will be joining us to in the final leg of campaigning in the capital.

They will be out in Bermondsey on Tuesday morning, and then at the G.O.T.V operations in Ilford North followed by Hampstead and Kilburn on Polling Day. They will also be attending the YF/LYL election night party on Thursday night/Friday morning.

Young Fabian members are encouraged to come to join the delegation at any of these campaigns.

If you have any questions about their visit, please contact Young Fabian International Network Secretary, Nathaneal Amos-Sansam at 07958146118, or at [email protected]

YF North West Express

April 02, 2015

On March 28th and 29th, the Young Fabians held a National Campaign Day in the North West region. The organisation set out to support four battleground seats in the General Election for Labour. We were joined on the Saturday by Theresa Griffin MEP, and Labour Students and Co-operative Party Youth on Sunday.

The organisation supported Nick Bent in Warrington South, Julia Tickridge in Weaver Vale, Chris Matheson in the City of Chester and Jeff Smith in Manchester Withington.

Is the UK China-Ready?

February 22, 2015
Contact: Joel Mullan

Young Fabians publish new pamphlet on the future of UK-China relations

On February 19th, Chinese New Year, the Young Fabians published China-Ready: Equipping Britain for an Asian Futurea collection of essays co-edited by Joel Mullan and Adam Tyndall.

With one sixth of the global population and the largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity, the rise of China will inevitably have real impacts on Britain. How we respond to it will shape our national prosperity and the opportunities available to each and every one of us.

China-Ready brings together perspectives from seven Young Fabian members on what the UK can do to position itself to maximise the opportunities that will arise from this shift. It argues that our relationship with China must move beyond the transactional one that has been pursued by the current government and looks to identify some win-wins for both countries.

It calls for greater co-ordination in our relationship with China both across government and with our European partners, and looks at the opportunities available to us in education, energy, international development and trade and investment. It also considers what obligations, if any, we have to Hong Kong.

You can read the pamphlet here.

The China Programme is continuing this year under the auspices of the YF International Network.


Email [email protected] for further information on how to get involved.


YF Host Leadership Day

January 15, 2015

Last Saturday the Young Fabians hosted a new kick off event for active members of the community. The Young Fabians Leadership Day aimed to deliver training, networking and an environment to generate ideas for member-led projects this coming year. The event was attended by over fifty Young Fabians  from across the country who attended at the Fabian Society HQ, London.

Sessions were run on event, editorial and research development, along with a dedicated session on campaigns and AGMs for the five Young Fabian Networks. Additional training sessions were put for specific interests and expertise. Members met one another through group workshops that led to generating ideas for projects.

YF Co-options

December 22, 2014

The Young Fabian constitution allows the elected Executive to co-opt up to 5 officers to fill skills gaps and take up portfolios for the year ahead.

We had some excellent applications and after a very hard set of decisions the Executive unanimously appointed the following officers:

  • Stephanie Akomeah - Under 20’s Officer
  • Alex Bjarnason - Skills Officer
  • Prasanna Kannan - Fundraising Officer
  • Vicki Dabrowski - Equalities Officer

All three are welcome additions to the Young Fabian Executive and we look forward to you meeting them over the coming year.

Caroline Flint joins the YFs for our Christmas Social

December 21, 2014
Contact: James

Our Christmas social and food bank collection was a huge success; with a great turnout, ten big bags of food collected for the local food bank and, of course, the wonderful Caroline Flint.

Caroline spoke about the importance of the Young Fabian contribution to the Labour Movement and met attendees who later took part in a festive Secret Santa raffle and our Chair’s very own version of the 12 Days of Christmas

It was a great opportunity to meet Young Fabians from across the country and pool together to help make the Christmases of local families that bit easier.

YF Executive Plan For Year Ahead

December 07, 2014

The Young Fabians Executive Committee met for the first time at the annual strategy meeting. Along with training for the new Executive team, the day focused on developing the plans and major objectives for 2014/2015.

This year the organisation is changing how it works with the Executive Committee focusing on community leadership and strategic objectives for the organisation such as members development and financing, while events, editorial and research projects will be developed by and led by active Young Fabian members.

This engagement will begin with the announcement of the Young Fabians Leadership Day on Saturday 10th January 2015. This day is open for all Young Fabians who are interested in leading projects to come along to, learn how to engage with the organisation and will also serve as the Annual General Meetings of the Young Fabian Networks.

YF at FEPS Young Academics Network

November 17, 2014

The 15th seminar of the Young Academics Network of the Foundation of European Progressive Studies took place in Vienna between the 6th and 9th November 2014.

The Young Fabians presence has increased to four following our recent call for new members. Two new members, Hannah Iqbal (Cardiff University) and Dee Goddard (University of Kent) joined Rich Penny (University of Southampton).

The seminar focused on developing the draft papers of the working groups that were established at the 14th seminar back in July.

The Foundation of European Progressive Studies or FEPS is a publicly-funded pan-European thinktank which consist of a network of member organisations across Europe. It provides independant research for the Party of European Socialists (PES). It establishes an intellectual crossroad between social democracy and the European project, putting fresh thinking at the core of its action. As a platform for ideas , FEPS works in close collaboration with social democratic organisations, and in particular national foundations and thinktanks across Europe, to tackle the challenges that Europe faces today. The Fabian Society is one of the three UK members.

The FEPS Young Academics Network was established in March 2009 with an aim to gather promising progressive PhD candidates and young PhD researchers ready to use their academic experience in a debate about the Next Europe. Realised with the support of Renner Institut, the project has gathered in its course more than 50 members. Their exchanges and interdisciplinary research have resulted in a number of stimulating studies, providing a relevant contribution to the European progressive movement. 

China Foreign Policy Event

November 17, 2014

More than 60 members of the Young Fabians recently welcomed speakers from Chatham House, the chinadialgoue journal and the Shadow Foreign Office team for a discussion in Parliament on the evolving nature of China’s foreign policy.

Rod Wye, former head of research for Asia at the FCO and fellow at Chatham House, gave guests a wide overview on the historical character of China’s relations with the West and pointed to how China’s main expectation for the future was a greater sense of recognition from Western countries as a global leader.

Isabel Hilton, a journalist and CEO of China Dialogue, provided insight into how China’s new domestic priority of ensuring environmental protection as part of a modernising economy will feed through into a much greater level of engagement on global issues such as deforestation and climate change.

Kerry McCarthy, Shadow FCO Minister with responsibility for China, provided a critique of the coalition government's overly trade-focused outreach towards China and argued that the way to ensure British influence was to engage with China on all levels, while not shirking from our responsibilities towards upholding our national interests.

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