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Better off than our parents? Hope and prosperity for the new generation

January 26, 2014
Contact: James

Our second event at Fabian New Year Conference was a discussion on the challenges facing our generation. Joined by Liam Byrne MP, Laurie Penny, Paris Lees, and Lord Stewart Wood, James Hallwood chaired a packed room with a range of views. 

With such a big topic and a large audience, time was always going to be too short to do justice to the questions that those in the Labour movement must ask in this area. But with messages of hope from Liam Byrne and Lord Wood, challenges from Laurie Penny, and a non-politico view from Paris Lees, the event at least touched on some critical issues. 

A full recording of the event is available to listen to here. The introduction is from James Hallwood who is followed by Liam Byrne MP, Paris Lees, Lord Stewart Wood and Laurie Penny.

FS New Years Conference 2014

January 25, 2014

The Young Fabians are pleased to taking part with two events at today's Fabian New Year Conference.

One Nation workshop with Lord Wood

Our lunchtime fringe with Lord Stewart Wood launches our flagship One Nationism Ideas Series – a project that will incorporate a member-led pamphlet that explores what One Nationism is using the popular event format from the Anatomy series.

Our Chair, James Hallwood, leads the workshop with Lord Wood to explore questions around One Nation: from what is conservative and radical about it, to how we sell it on the doorstep and what its weaknesses are.

Members were in the driving seat as they explore these questions with assistance from Executive members and Lord Wood.

Better off than our parents? Hope and prosperity for the new generation

James Hallwood chaired a Young Fabian session on the problems affecting the younger generation. Joined by Liam Byrne MP, Laurie Penny and Lord Stewart Wood – discussion will look at what Labour can do to deliver for young people.

Along with the Young Fabian sessions, a whole host of speakers from the Labour movement, including a keynote from Ed Balls MP, discussed with our members how Labour can change Britain.

Sign up to our Weekly Newsletter

The Young Fabians send out a weekly newsletter to members and supporters with the latest news and upcoming events from the organisation.

You can view the latest newsletter here.

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Happy Birthday to the Fabian Society

January 04, 2014

On January 4th 1884, one-hundred and thirty years ago in London, history was made. A Christian socialist group called the Fellowship of New Life was divided. Two competing primary objectives were tested, that of socialist spiritualism and another of economic and material affairs.

At this meeting a new group was formed, one that would focus on the latter goals. Named after a Roman general famous for his strategy of attrition, this society set out to “educate, agitate, organise” in the words of a famous early member and irish playwright.

Since that time the group has led the development of socialism in the UK. The NHS, the welfare state and the minimum wage are just some of the achievements set out in the group’s work.

The Young Fabians represent a generation doing what Bernard Shaw said today, and for this new year you should get in touch with me if you want to play a part in shaping that. The executive always have an open door to members and welcome all to run events and write for the group.

Happy new year to you and happy 130th birthday to the Fabian Society.

New Website

The Young Fabians are proud to have partnered with Nationbuilder to delivery a new online platform. The platform will integrated previous distinct systems that the organisation has been using. Along with a new website, it manages the weekly email newsletter and connectivity to social media.

The website is still undergoing development and more features will be added gradually over the next few months.

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Merry Christmas

December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2014 from the Young Fabian Executive.


December 20, 2013

The Young Fabians delivered ten packed bags of food donated by our members at the Christmas social to Westminster Chapel Food Bank. With donations ranging from staples like rice to little luxuries like chocolate, the food bank was overwhelmed by the generosity of members.

James said “It’s regrettable that in 21st Century Britain we should have food banks, but while the need is there the Young Fabians will continue to support them. I am so proud of, and grateful to, our members for their immense generosity. They will make a lot of families’ Christmases that bit better”.

Finance Network Elections

December 04, 2013

e Young Fabians Finance Network met at their AGM on Tuesday led by outgoing Chair Lorna Russell. Three office holders were elected in 2014:

Chair: Sophie Robson
Vice-Chair: Sophia Morrell
Secretary: Bramen Singnayagam

Thank you to everyone who participated in our programme this year. For more information on getting involved please contact us at [email protected].

YF presence at Parliament Week

November 23, 2013

Executive members, Louie Woodall and Katharina Klebba met young people from across the country in Portcullis House for Parliament Week 2013.

Along with other youth organisations, the Young Fabians engaged with future voters and explained the crucial work we do.

YF Wreath laid at the Cenotaph

November 10, 2013

A proposal by James Hallwood to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf of the Young Fabian Executive was carried out this evening by the 2013/14 Executive. A minute’s silence was held and a wreath was laid with the following words written:

“ In solidarity and eternal gratitude”

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