Join us on Zoom for a conversation and podcast recording of George Orwell's The Road to Wigan Pier, ahead of our pamphlet on Labour in the Culture War. We'll also have a guest host for this book club, the lovely Mark Whittaker.

We had planned to do a less frequent book club this year, but as the situation with coronavirus has changed all of our lives for the time being we've decided to do even more! We'll be reading a range of (fairly) short books and e-meeting regularly to discuss them and record for the podcast as usual.

Get the book on kindle here:

Zoom link:
ID: 557-676-3195

About the book:
A searing account of George Orwell's observations of working-class life in the bleak industrial heartlands of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the 1930s, The Road to Wigan Pier is a brilliant and bitter polemic that has lost none of its political impact over time. His graphically unforgettable descriptions of social injustice, cramped slum housing, dangerous mining conditions, squalor, hunger and growing unemployment are written with unblinking honesty, fury and great humanity. It crystallised the ideas that would be found in Orwell's later works and novels, and remains a powerful portrait of poverty, injustice and class divisions in Britain.

We will have a conversation about the book and what we think of it. Then feel free to go, or stay in the call for a post-book club (virtual) pub chat.

RSVP on facebook here:

April 22, 2020 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Zoom ID: 557-676-3195
Mark Whittaker or Victoria Parrett

Will you come?