One Nation Ideas Series Chair Application

Please answer the following SEVEN questions to apply to chair a project.

We're inviting members to take part in developing our One Nation ideas series.

With fewer than 600 days to go until the next general election, now is the time to flesh out our vision for 2015. This is the last chance to really impact the choices of the next Labour government, and we believe that it is important that Young Fabians make their voices heard.

The aim of this project is to explore Young Fabian perspectives on the 'isms' that matter to One Nation Labour.

Members are invited to apply to run a project that will look at what what their chosen 'ism' means to Young Fabians, and how this could influence Labour's thinking.

Successful applicants will act as project chair, leading and coordinating the work of their group (made up of Young Fabian members). Chairs will be expected to carry out a variety of research activities, including a minimum of three events, to inform the group's thinking. The output for each group will be a report of 2000 words that will feature as a chapter in a Young Fabian pamphlet that will bring together the whole ideas series.

Project chairs will have the full support of Young Fabian exec members, who will be available to offer guidance and practical help.

 The questions are:

  1. Which 'isms' would you like to cover?
  2. Why would you like to run a project in this area?
  3. Please explain the main issues you think the project should consider
  4. Please give the main objectives of the project
  5. Please outline three possible events you would run as part of this 
  6. What would you do to engage members across the UK?
  7. What would you do to make the project interactive for participants?

What would you do to make the project interactive for participants?

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