Dig for Victory; Measles is Misery; Don’t Die of Ignorance: over the past 100 years, public health campaigns have frightened, inspired and educated.

Join the Young Fabians Health, Arts & Culture and Communications Networks as we visit the Museum of Brand's exhibition 'Can marketing save lives', which showcases some of Public Health England's most powerful health marketing campaigns over the past century. The exhibition is made up of over 100 posters, TV commercials, and unique objects, and will revisit historical events such as the founding of the NHS, the first vaccination programmes and the campaign for AIDS awareness.

On the night, we'll also hear from Alex Aiken (Executive Director of Government Communications) who will examine the history of public health and safety messages, the successes of campaigns and their efforts to ‘Nudge, Shove, or Shock’ the British public.


  • 6:30pm-7pm - After-hours access to the exhibition 'Can marketing save lives?'
  • 7pm-8pm - Nudge, Shove or Shock talk from Alex Aiken
  • 8pm-8:30pm - Q&A
  • 8:30pm-9:30pm - Last chance to explore the exhibition (until 9pm)/Young Fabians drinks!
Museum entry costs £9/£7 for students. The talk is free but you need to reserve a ticket through the museum's Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nudge-shove-or-shock-100-years-of-public-health-safety-messages-tickets-60260926052


June 17, 2019 at 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Museum of Brands
111-117 Lancaster Rd
London, England w11 1qt
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Victoria Gilbert Sanjida Ruhani Antoinette Hage

Who's RSVPing

Victoria Gilbert
Sanjida Ruhani
Antoinette Hage

Will you come?