The new West Midlands Combined Authority is launching at the beginning of April 2016, following Manchester as part of George Osbourne's plan to bring devolution to the core cities of England. Combining the cities of Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Sandwell, Dudley and Solihull the new combined authority is seeking to prime the pump of the 'Midland's Engine' and bring much needed economic and social stimulus to the region. But will it?

Jointly organised by the Young Fabians and Birmingham Fabian Society we will be holding a discussion on the new combined authority, its origins and objectives and how it will impact not only on the West Midlands cities, but also on the broader Midlands region. Key speakers will be:

  • Emma Reynolds, MP for Wolverhampton North East
  • Cllr Claire Spencer, member of the Birmingham City Council
  • Richard Parker, PWC Consultant on devolution
  • Vicky Fowler, former PPC for Nuneaton.
  • Luke John Davies, Secretary of Birmingham Fabian Society (chair)

This event is open to all members of the public.

April 07, 2016 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Aston University
Aston St
Aston Triangle
Birmingham B4 7ET
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Luke John (LJ) Davies ·
Funsho Parrott Sam Fowkes Jack Price Ben Wesson Junead Khan Claire Spencer Luke John Davies Martin Edobor Ria Bernard Kyalo Burt-Fulcher Cameron Beavan-King Nick Maxwell

Who's RSVPing

Funsho Parrott
Sam Fowkes
Jack Price
Ben Wesson
Junead Khan
Claire Spencer
Luke John Davies
Martin Edobor
Ria Bernard
Kyalo Burt-Fulcher
Cameron Beavan-King
Nick Maxwell

Will you come?